Our Sites CYC ADANAC, CYC City, CYC Forest Edge, CYC The Island and CYC Phillip Island Adventure Resort have returned to safely hosting camps!
Our teams have COVID-Safe solutions to bring the power of camp back into your life, and we have successfully implemented those solutions across all of our sites. CYC’s highest priority is to safeguard the health and well-being of our workers and guests during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As part of the CYC community, we are here to support you and your group, and we understand you may have questions regarding camping right now. We are following the advice of the Australian and Victorian Government through these times and you have our commitment that we are doing all we can to ensure the health and wellbeing of our guests and staff.
We’re excited to be getting back to camp and we want to assist you regarding any upcoming booking or enquiry you might have. We also want to thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work through this together.
From all of us here at CYC, we look forward to hosting you and your group in the future so you can breathe, experience, and re-discover the power of camps!
Look after yourself and your neighbour.
Malcolm Reeve
COVID-19 Resources