We believe the Bible as originally given by God is divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct, from which we can know that:
- God: There is one true eternal creator God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Creation: God created all things, making man and woman in His own image and for relationship with Him.
- Sin: Sin entered into the world through human disobedience following the rebellion of Satan against God.
- Christ: The Son, Christ Jesus, was born of a virgin and lived as a sinless man. Out of the abundance of God’s love the Father gave His only Son, Jesus, to save all people from sin. Christ rose from the grave defeating the power of sin.
- Salvation: The death and resurrection of Christ brings salvation by grace through faith to those who repent; seek forgiveness; and believe in Him.
- Spirit: The Holy Spirit, following Jesus’ return to His Father in heaven, lives within those who have salvation as a comforter and guide; guaranteeing their eternal hope.
- The true universal Church is a spiritual entity composed of all individuals who put faith their faith in Jesus Christ. God has called individual Christians to meet together as local churches.
- Life: Those who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are called to live a transformed life and, as such, have the responsibility to: (a) Encourage other Christians through meeting together for worship and fellowship. (b) Uphold moral directives and ethical values contained in the Bible as expressed within the context of their personal life, their marriage life (the covenantal relationship of one man and one woman), and their relationships with others. (c) Share the good news to all the world. (d) Be active in expressing God’s love through social justice.
- Eternity: Jesus is the only way to a relationship with God. Those who have received salvation have eternal life as joint heirs with Christ. Those who do not believe in Christ are separated from God for eternity.
- Return & New Creation: Christ will return as Lord to the earth and everyone will see him. There will be a new heaven and a new earth.
These statements we are called to believe, uphold, and proclaim to all persons in all spheres of life.
Christian Youth Camps – Motivation & Values.
Live unspoiled in your (temporary*) community, be a breath of fresh air, and provide those around you with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. – Get the word out! Teach with your life: by word, by demeanour, by love, by faith and by integrity. Philippians 2:15 & 1 Timothy 4:11-14
As an organisation, CYC strives to transform the routine business of ‘Facility Management’ into something that’s valued and significant. To achieve this we aspire to hold to the following Core Values.
- We value Christian service as being our primary goal. We strive to offer programs and services that meet the real needs of our guests. We strive to perform our tasks with fairness, integrity, generosity and honour, making clear through action that service, not profit, is the primary aim. (From CYC statement of purposes)
- We value the free and gracious love of God. We strive to create an atmosphere throughout the sites that is obviously Christian, so that people are aware that this is a place where God is honoured, where they sense an atmosphere of peace, and where they are conscientiously, consistently, but lovingly challenged as to the truth of God’s love for them. (From CYC statement of purposes)
- We value the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to change lives. We strive, through specific ministry camps during school holidays and through everyday contacts, to communicate the living reality of Jesus Christ and the dynamics of Christian living. (From CYC statement of purposes)
- We value the role of churches in their local communities. We strive to provide services and venues, resources and training, material & finance, to those who shepherd churches, ministries, missionaries, and other Christian work, with the hope of bringing many to a personal acceptance of the Christian message.
- We value individual and team accountability for the benefit of both CYC and the wider community. We strive to encourage the sharing of talents, skills and resources, spiritual and secular, both within the organisation and outside of it, so as to be part of the wider community, thus adding to the overall quality of local life. (From CYC statement of purposes)
- We value healthy, God-honouring relationships. We strive to promptly resolve personal conflicts while promoting a culture that embraces diversity of opinion and rewards helpful, open communication.
- We value each person in our organization. We strive to maximize the effectiveness of each person by encouraging each one to put the interests of others before their own. We honour the commitment, diligence, and skill we see in others, and the contribution of each, regardless of their role.
- We value life balance. We strive to help each person to maintain healthy commitments to God, family, ministry, and work. We seek to create a work environment where these commitments are encouraged and enabled.