Day One
We had a great first day gathering with our 16 LIT (Leaders in Training) program participants, as well as the six of us leaders. Already we have seen a real desire and willingness on behalf of the LITs to further their own growth and development, both in leadership but also in their continued walk with God. It has been really encouraging to see the LITs mixing and socialising already, and a real sense of team starting to develop, even in this early stage. As a leadership team we are super excited about walking with this group of young people over the next 16 days.
Day Two
We had a very full on day, starting with some time for all the team to engage in some Spiritual Disciplines, praying and reflecting on Psalm 46, we also spent some time unpacking ‘Who is Jesus’ through our times with the Youth Alpha videos and discussion times. ON both cases a real highlight was watching the LITs jump in to this and be willing to be open and vulnerable with each other when talking about their faith and what they struggle with. A great platform is being set for them to grow and develop together and individually in their faith and understanding of God.
Another highlight, was watching the LITs working together as we worked through the Initiative Course and Team Building Activities. As always, there was a bit of frustration, and conflict during these activities, but for the most part they worked together as a team REALLY well, which was great to see. So excited for these guys to continue to grow in to the leaders of tomorrow!
Day Three
We had an awesome day today on LIT, exploring our Spiritual Gifts, as well as some more practical Leadership skills and training on Leading Cabin Times, and what it means to be a Servant Leader.
Spiritual highlights for today was our morning worship time together as well as taking the time to reflect through our Spiritual discipline focus on solitude this morning. It has been exciting to see the LITs really begin to dig deep into their faith, and explore why they believe what they believe and how this can reflect on their leadership.
On a practical level, it was exciting for the LITs to be involved with camp for the first time running and supervising some games and activities with the Primary Camp for the first time. This was a real highlight for the leadership team, to see the LITs work together as such a great team throwing themselves into leading alongside the campers. A great day
Great reading! Really looking forward to having the LIT group stay with us for the weekend and hearing some of your stories – from the City CYC team